2008 m. lapkričio 4 d., antradienis

Robert S. Feldman
Introduction to psychology
Analytical summary

“Understanding psychology” is the book written by Robert S. Feldman and “Introduction to psychology” is the first theme of this book. The theme includes three modules in which author try to introduce us to science of psychology.

In Module 1 Feldman gives the definition of psychology and describes it as a science. Also author introduce us with the subfields of psychology, gives the short descriptions of the major specialties. Furthermore, Feldman mentions some areas where psychologists could work.

Module 2 tells about the origins of psychology. Author mentions some famous psychologists, who have made substantial contribution to psychology. Moreover Feldman describes the major approaches in contemporary psychology.

In Module 3 Feldman speaks about psychology’s key issues and controversies. Author gives an example how culture, ethnicity and race could influence behavior. Furthermore, Feldman mentions some factors about psychology’s future.

In conclusion, psychology is a still growing science’s branch, so there is a lot of issues and controversies in it. Speaking about psychology’s future, author supposes that necessity of psychologists will grow.

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