2008 m. lapkričio 18 d., antradienis

Psychology of shopping

Shopping is a major leisure activity for most people. If you ask anyone most of them would say the same.

Going to a store and buying could be really entertaining and joy giving but unfortunately just for a very short period of time because not the bought item but the process of buying is the one that brings it.

In addition, customers generally want to have as many options as possible but at the same time want to be able to decide what to buy as easily as possible. That’s where the market can play certain role. There are plenty ways to affect potential shoppers. All prices in the retail markets are for example 5.99 Lt to make the item look cheaper that it really is. Also products identified by the retailer as impulse buys are placed at the ends of aisles. Due to some occasions salesmen use various discount tricks to make customers believe that they are getting cheap prices and the goods of reasonable quality.

In conclusion, the heads of markets found the happy medium of an optimal size of the store where consumers are spending the largest amounts of money buying the largest number of products.

1 komentaras:

zibaracevi rašė...

Cute, I found it interesting, also pictures are gorgeous ;>